Junk Journal

Do you have lots of unfilled notebooks, scrap papers, and laces lying around?
Are you looking for ways to express yourself through art?
JUNK JOURNALING is my favorite thing to do when I am stressed or want to have a change of air. It is such a great way to experiment and experience your own emotions. A wonderful creative outlet for anyone who loves to mix and match. You get to explore different techniques and styles in the most unexpected ways.
What is junk journal ?
Just like art journaling there is no “one size fits for all” definition for what junk journaling really is . It greatly varies from person to person and how they perceive it . But there is one thing very certain throughout and i.e FUN . You always get to choose things you love and explore different materials .
Junk Journals are made out of recycled materials and are mostly junk converted into art as it mean by its name. You really don’t have to spend money to buy expensive stationery to start one , you can just gather things you have in your home .
Junk Journal: A book which is often made through found and recycled materials to be used as a way to collect and record memories, thoughts, ideas, and inspiration.
4 Ideas to use junk journal
When it comes to what to use it for , there is really no one answer to it . I mostly collage in my junk journal to express my creative ideas and sometimes my make my grocery list too , few days i write my important events of the day . For me Junk Journals are a place to freely explore myself and i really dont follow any rules .
Here are few ideas for you to try out :
use it as a diary
Junk Journals can be used as a daily diary where you write your feelings and create a daily log . Its up to you how creatively you design the layout of the page . You can spend hours and hours and still feel like its not enough and at times you might feel you don’t want to write much. It’s totally okay to see your emotions changing.
Memory Journal
If you are someone who feels overwhelm and don’t have time for daily entry then you can use JUNK JOURNALS as a memory book .
Memory book or memoir is a place where you record your memory . We never know what we might miss when we grow up . Recording them in your diary is such a great way to relive those moments . Using junk journals as memory book is one of my favorite ideas and i still keep even if i am busy.
Travel junk Journal
Travel Journal is a very great theme you can have for your junk journal . Sticking around tickets , photographs , napkins from the trip is an exciting part for hoarders like me . It not only serves you as a memory log but will also make your trip organized . Travel Journals are mostly used for recording your travel memories but you can use them to plan your trip and record important contacts and data that you might need in the future or just for the reference .
Art Journal
Splashing colors and doodling is something everyone loves . You don’t have to be perfect to practice art journaling . You just have to be expressive and open to yourself and ready to make mistakes . That’s what i love about art journal , even after blunders the spread always stand out in its unique ways . I use art journal to break all my creative barriers and use it as experimental manual . I get most of my unique ideas while practicing art journaling .
How to start Junk journal ?

Many of you might be wondering how one can start a Junk Journal. Here are few tips on HOW YOU CAN START A JUNK JOURNAL :
Choose your theme or FIND a purpose
I believe finding a reason to start something will take you farther. When you have a definite purpose and direction you tend to maintain consistency and don’t loose momentum .
Decide a theme for your journal like a vintage classics or modern aesthetic .Do you like Barbie’s or DC comics ? Picking up your favorite theme will help you in your art directions and its totally alright if you don’t want to choose a particular theme and want to go with the flow .
Try to find out your purpose for using a Junk Journal . Are you trying to track something , record memories or just letting your creative energies flow ?
Having no plan is also a plan . So don’t worry if you dont know what to choose .
Find you perfect journal
Its so important to find a journal that you love . A journal could be made out of anything , loose papers , hard bound , soft bound , ring binder etc . It all depends on how and for what you want to use your journal for .
If you are someone like me who loves to use heavy wash of acrylic paints and watercolors then you probably would want a heavy GSM paper to work with . I usually use mixed media journals as they can hold maximum water and heavy washes of paints .
If you are someone who loves to write more and want lined pages then you are good to go for them.
In the end there are no rules and its all on your personal preference .
gather your supplies
You really dont have to buy junk journal materials to start . All you need is – basic art supplies and paper scraps lying around your house . Its a great chance to get creative with what you have in your hand .
You can collect old book pages , ephemeras , festive cards , greeting cards , receipts , magazine papers , pastel paper etc to use them in your journals .
Always have a pair of scissors , glue , paper knife , cutting board and scale . When things get messy , you would spend several minutes finding them on your table .
If you are really concern about colors and theme , then you can buy specific ephemera , pictures , colored sheets or even print out your favorite elements and stickers etc.
You are free to add your artistic side to it and add colors . I had seen many people creating their masterpieces in their junk journals . They say that they had produced their most beautiful work when off pressure .
Start preparing the layout
At this stage you start doing the most creative part of the process . If you are feeling overwhelm and lost , don’t know where to start from then look for some amazing inspiration on Pinterest and Instagram . Try to see how they put things together cohesively .
Slowly start putting things on to paper , if you want to just paint then paint , if you want to make collage then collage , you are free to do anything you want to .
There are no rules on how to start junk journaling and there is no perfect time to start one . Just jump right into it and allow yourself to make as many mistakes . You will eventually love your mistakes .
Happy Journaling !

Frequently Asked question
Can I do junk Journaling if i am not an artist ?
There is no such rule that Junk Journaling is performed by artists only . Junk Journals are for everyone and anyone can use them . They are special because they are YOURS and you always do it your way .
do i need to buy new stationeries to start journaling?
Absolutely NO !
Junk Journal in its name reflects that it is made out of recycled materials . You don’t have to buy any stationery . Just few basic art Supplies and your creativity is all it takes.
How should i start if i am afraid to start something new ?
Staring at the blank paper is the most daunting feeling . But once you let yourself loose and give permission to fail , you will taste freedom in its own form . We are often afraid because we think we might fail , we keep our guards up all the time . To start something new and letting yourself fail is something everyone should practice to prepare themselves for the success.
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