A student bullet journal is a great way for students to keep track of their assignments and notes. It’s also a great way to organize their thoughts and keep them on track.
There are a number of different types of student planners available, so it’s important to find one that suits your needs. Some examples include the traditional spiral-bound journal, dot grid notebooks, or even electronic planners.
The key thing to remember when using a student planner is to start small and gradually build up complexity as you become more comfortable with it. This will help you avoid any turbulence in your studies and allow you to focus on the task at hand.
Let’s dive into details for all the reasons why you should start a bullet journal as a student .
Student Bullet journal ideas
Why use a bullet joiurnal for School ?
Student Bullet Journal Ideas

Keeps you posted
The biggest merit of keeping a bullet journal by your side is that it keeps you updated for all upcoming important events , test and submissions etc .
More organized
Planning is always a game changer when it comes to organization . With dedicated spreads in your bullet journal you can plan your specific events ,school , tests and even your personal life .
Helps you balance your personal life and school
It’s no joke that a school students is equally stressed as an office worker . With so many deadlines to meet while keeping up the good performance , a lot of students lose focus and momentum . Balance becomes need of the hour and bullet journal helps you to keep a good balance by letting you visually plot your life onto paper .
Reduce stress
Imagine your whole life already being planned , feels good right ?
When you plan your entire month or a week in your bullet journal , you tell yourself WHAT you would be doing for that given frame of time. Just knowing that everything is planned out , you sit back in ease.
You can also use Bullet journal to write daily entries and journaling to declutter your mind .
Bring back your focus
Writing your goals is likely to improve your chances of achieving them in real life . Bullet Journals are the best place to write down your yearly goals , monthly goals and daily goals . When you go through your goals daily , you are more likely to carry the same intensity of fire as you were writing them for the first time .
Bullet journal basics
There are few basic Bullet journal pages you might want to include in your bullet journal before we go into detailed student bullet journal spreads .
Check out this blog : How To Start A Bullet Journal.
Check out this blog : The Best Supplies for Your Bullet Journal in India.

The key is to make these spreads for your own convenience and keep on experimenting to find your very own sweet spot . Same things might not work out best for everyone therefore it is advisable to keep exploring until you find your planner peace .
Check out this blog : What is Planner Peace? & How to achieve it?
Write about all important page links here . Its easier to find the exact page you are looking and save your time . You only have to create it once and keep it updated as you add new spread every time .
A key is an important element that makes your Bullet Journal more systematic . By assigning meaning to certain symbols and using them to denote for any events helps you save time. For example you can strike the task that you have completed or a star denoting the priority for that task.
Future log
It’s more like an yearly calendar that lets you see the entire year in one go and makes your planning better as you can see the dates laid out in front which ultimately lets you fix your events.
Monthly log
An overview of the month you are about to enter . This page can be absolutely necessary or can be completely nugatory for some people . I personally use monthly logs a lot as I can see the entire calendar in front of me which helps mark important dates and fix any remaining goals .
Daily log
Some people call it weekly log while some use it as a daily log . The main purpose of this page is to provide you a safe space to plan goals for that particular day . A to-do list , certain habits and goals for the week .
Bullet journal ideas for students

Study tracker
Do you want to track the number of hours you study in a day ? Install a study tracker in your bullet journal .
A study tracker gives you a real proof of how many hours you are actually putting in your studies .
How much time you can still devote ? It also makes you question : Are you studying enough ?
Is someone out there studying more than you and are you not even touching the bare minimum ?
A study tracker is an amazing tool for students to keep them on track .

Ideal day
Making you ideal day on a piece of paper might not work out for many people as they say ” we can’t follow every single event time based “. I understand that its tricky to make yourself work with exact timeline and dedication , sometimes its us who are distracted or an occurrence of unplanned event . Either ways we lose momentum and fail .
I would still advice to devise a small plan for your day so that you can make out what and how much you need to do a certain task . You can get idea about how to spend your energies according to the different tasks you come across.
Its always better to have one plan than none !
Minimalist student bullet journal

Study planner
What to study today ? If you are asking this every morning then its high time and you should definitely get a study planner . You can plan your study for a week or a day in your Bullet journal and set targets , this way you keep your goals on top priority and you always have a plan to start your day .

Assignment /project Tracker
Sometimes working on big projects feels intimidating . You have a deadline and you don’t even know where to start and end . Its better to write down the timeline on top and break down your biggest assignment / project into smaller chunks that can fit in your time line . For example if I have to complete an essay of 3000 words in 3 days then I would break down my project as follows :
1st Day : Research , plan and outline the project
2nd Day : Start writing from accumulated ideas of research .
3rd Day: Finalize my writings and do corrections as required .
You can use your own methods and plan your projects !

Course outline
I am usually that person who always forget which subject has what credit score . I remember that I could never recall what classes I have in that week . Therefore for me having a course outline lets me have a review in one go . I don’t have to open heavy university website or go to library to find out about my subjects and other details . Its a one time task but saves a lot of time .

semester plan
Something similar to course outline , I also like to plan out my semester . My teacher usually tell us what big projects and assignments we might face that semester and accordingly I shift my mindset and rewrite my personal and work goals .

Writing down my goals makes me feel more determined . Reading them everyday in my journal makes me visualize what it feels like to achieve them and gives me motivation to keep moving forward . Its important to remind ourselves constantly about our goals as we get lost in hustle and bustles of life .

Don’t forget to workout !
Being a student doesn’t mean you are always into books . You must explore some hobbies and outdoor activities to activate your brain . Installing a little trackers like meal tracker and workout tracker for your health , reading tracker to improve your verbal’s etc.
Check out this blog : How to create a Bullet Journal Expense Tracker that will actually work.

I hope you are inspired enough to start your very own Bullet Journal as a student . Let us know what pages you created in your BUJO . Don’t forget to tag us with your creations , we would love to see them !
Happy Bullet Journaling !
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