Do you collect notebooks and journals because they are just oh so pretty! If you are anything like me you would have answered…yes! In this blog, I am going to give you 25 interesting ideas of what you can fill these empty books with. Let’s get going…

25 way’s to fill our empty notebook or journal
Cover pages

What better place to start than at the beginning! This is the very front of my 2021 Bullet Journal which is travel themed. I create cover pages to mark the start of a month or a new section within my journal. You could put them wherever you like, whenever you like! Perhaps you could add a quote or affirmation to your cover page or an illustration.
Weekly Logs

The weekly log is a term widely used in Bullet Journal circles. It might sound a little technical but it is not. Simply, weekly logs are like a homemade diary. A weekly log allows you to plan your week out like any normal calendar or diary would except you can choose how much space a day takes up. You may be wondering, why is that helpful? Well, we all have busier and quieter days depending on our personal schedules. I am always very busy on a Monday and in conventional diaries, I often run out of room. I always take the weekends off though so these days have very little on them as weekends are more spontaneous. So I am sure you get where I am going with this, I always make Monday’s bigger and Saturdays & Sundays smaller.
Monthly Logs

Why not create monthly calendars in your empty notebooks and journals? I put in all my events, meetings, birthdays and things that just pop up! Personally, I have my monthly log and then my weekly log. It is your journal so play around with it and see if you find a monthly calendar helpful!
Track your habits in your empty journal

My habit trackers could take up a whole journal! I am obsessed with tracking my habits and checking in with myself.
Learn how to create a minimal habit tracker here.
Affirmation pages

Affirmations are little quotes that you can look at or say to yourself and they help improve your mindset. I have certain quotes which have become affirmations because they have resonated with me and stuck. An example is, “do something scary every day”. I litter my journals with these and like to spend time sitting with them.
Gratitude Pages
It’s so important to say, THANK YOU! Sometimes we take things for granted when actually we should be looking around and saying thank you. I like to write down one thing I am grateful for every day. This could be anything from a roof over my head to getting something I really wanted (like a new job). I normally write my gratitudes straight into my journal, you could do this as well or create a spread like the one above.
Expense tracker

Use your empty notebook or journal to keep track of your expenses!
Write about music you love!

Are you a music lover? Why not write about some of your favourite music of the moment. Imagine finding the notebook in 10 years and being able to look up the music you love now. It is like your very own time capsule.
Podcast recomendations

I love podcasts and often have people giving me recommendations. To keep track of the recommendations, I have created a page in my journal.
Period tracker

Track your period every month by creating one in your empty notebook or journal.
meal tracker

Fill up your journal with all the yummy food you have been enjoying!
10 Quick Fire ideas! For YOUR EMPTY JOURNAL.

1 – Meeting Notes
2 – Start a new hobby in your journal. For example – learning a new language and taking notes.
3 – Dreams – Write down your wildest dreams
4 – Write a book! Do you have a book idea? Plot and plan in your empty notebook.
5 – Sketch what you can see
6 -Draw a comic book series
7 – Write a business plan
8 – Review your favourite books
9 – Start a journal and write down your most private thoughts.
10 – Write down cafes, restaurants and shops that you like.

keep track of your hydration

Set a page aside to write about what you are drinking and when. Hydration is key!
SELF care bingo

Self-care is so important. Use that empty journal to write down self-care ideas (like I have above)!
goal setting

Time blocking/tracking

Learn about the wonders of time blocking here.
Brain dump

Drain your brain and dump all of your ideas down on paper!
thank you!
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