I am Dr Hemapriya Natesan and have been journaling for many moons. For awhile now I have wanted to start a blog about my journey with planners.

I have used many planners in my time from Bullet Journals, Passion Planners, Happiness Planners, Mind Journals and even digital planners. This blog is the result of my many years experience.
How I discovered Journaling ?
I have always been a busy person and quickly found that I needed to get organised. After trying the ‘lists on a stick note’ system, I realised I needed to get serious. I invested in my first planner and have never looked back. I started with a very simple planner that only had a weekly layout and originally used it only for lists.
Years on I have tried nearly every planner, I am addicted! I now use one for everything from habit tracking to goal setting there is nothing a planner cannot do. My friends always comment on how organised I am but really it is not me at all, it is my planner.
In the most recent years I have discovered bullet journaling which I love especially for work. It helps me easily track everything and work quickly. I love the beautiful spreads clever people come up with, you will find lots of inspiration in my blogs.
Why I am addicted to Bullet Journaling ?
It is simple really although I enjoy how organised they allow me to be what I really love is the chance to be creative. Bullet Journals are now more than a simple to-do list they are a way for you to channel your creativity. You can play around with spreads, title pages, brain dump pages and so much more. It doesn’t really matter what planner you have, you can always create!
When I am not busy discovering new planners, using my own or practising mindfulness through journaling I am reading, drinking lots of coffee and spending time with my friends and family.
I hope you enjoy my blog. If you would like to be featured please get in touch and make sure to follow me on social media.
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