Do you ever struggle to find any playlist inspiration? Because I do! This is why I have created a playlist tracker in my Bullet Journal this year. Whenever I journal I pick a playlist from my list and get going. Music is such a powerful tool and in my option the key to happiness! In this blog, I will show you how to create a minimalist playlist spread, supply you with some #inspo, and will include a bonus video! Let’s get going…

how to create a playlist tracker.

Playlist trackers are really fun pages in your bullet journal and they allow for creativity! I change mine around each month and pick music that I feel connected to.
The picture above was my February playlist tracker and was in my travel-themed Bullet Journal. I used bright watercolors to make the page pop!
I listened to a variety of playlists in February from Country Music, Musical Therapy, Lofi Music and Taba Chake.
My march ‘song’ tracker.

For March instead of putting together a playlist tracker, I made a page for my favourite songs. Do you ever listen to a random song and absolutely love it, but then forget what it is called? I have been using my songs page to write down my ‘lost songs’.
This page was really easy to make! I used a pencil to draw the cherries, border and the word ‘songs’. I then grabbed my watercolours and used them to paint in the cherries and the words. So easy!
Minimalist Tracker.
I created a playlist tracker in my minimalist bullet journal. Follow along through my sequence photos so that you can re-create them for yourself.

This was a playlist tracker I created in my minimalist bullet journal. I picked four of my favorite songs for the month. I really enjoyed the simplicity of this tracker and all I needed was a pencil, black pen, and grey watercolor.
playlist tracker #inspo
This playlist tracker is just so lovely! I really like the hot air balloons and it could be one I include in my travel themed bullet journal. Although pens and felt tips have been used in this spread, you could use watercolours.
This minimalist tracker is really easy to re-create and all you would need is a fine tipped black pen. I like that it has the song and the artist underneath it.
The maker of this tracker has used paint around the numbers but you could cut out paper and glue it on. This would create a fun textured look and then using a white gel pen (or colour of your choice) to write the numbers.
I hope this blog has inspired you to make your own playlist tracker in your Bullet Journal. If you do make one please let me know in the comments or on Instagram.

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