Get ready to create a bunch of healthy habits. We have collated 43 things that you can track in your own bullet journal habit tracker.

1 – What is a Habit Tracker?
2 – Why should I use a Habit Tracker?
3 – 43 Things To Track in Your Habit Tracker.
4 – Sneak peak at my May Habit Tracker.
what is a habit tracker?

A habit is an action that you automatically do when you. This could be something like getting dressed in the morning or brushing your teeth before bedtime. You didn’t always do these things, you were taught them. Once you learned how to get dressed, you had to do it every day (like a ‘ritual’) until eventually, it became a habit.
A habit tracker therefor helps you to keep track of ‘habits’ or rituals you wish to monitor. A habit tracker is such a fantastic tool when it comes to turning rituals into habits.
Your Bullet Journal is the perfect place to create a habit tracker because you look at it and use it every day. Read our Ultimate Guide to Creating a Habit Tracker here.
Why should i use a habit tracker?

I have so many reasons why you should use a habit tracker. The main reason though is very simple, if you want to be more productive, less stressed, healthier, happier, and more fulfilled, creating new habits can help you get there. It can be hard to stay motivated when creating new habits though. For example, running, the first few days are fine but two weeks on, you cannot drag yourself out of the house! You need a Habit Tracker, think of it as a friend who is there to hold you accountable. Everytime you take action and fill in your habit tracker, you get to give yourself a pat of the back.
So if you would like to take action, achieve more goals and be less stressed…carry on reading!
43 things to track in your habit tracker.
It’s all well and good to create a habit tracker spread in your Bullet Journal but what things would you actually like to track? Here are 43 potential things to track:
- Coffee and Tea Consumption – It is so handy to track your hydration levels. With Coffee, it is important not to drink too much due to the caffeine levels so make sure to track your cups!
- Water Consumption – How many glasses or bottles of water do you have a day? Track them in your Bullet Journal and you will start to see patterns between hydration and mood.
- Fizzy Drinks – If like me, you enjoy an ice-cold glass of Coke, you will also know it’s not always the best thing for us. I like to track my fizzy drink intake so that I don’t overindulge.
- Junk Food – Stay on top of your #healthy by monitoring how much junk food you eat. You can categories what you count as ‘junk food’ but most likely it will be items like chocolate, cake, chips, and biscuits.
- Exercise – Whatever you do to stay fit, track it! Make sure you are hitting your fitness targets and doing a little often. If you are starting a new type of exercise tracking it can make sure you stick to it.
- Reading – You could track a chapter a day or a book a month. Track according to how quickly you read.
- Start a morning routine – Track when you wake up and introduce some new habits to your morning routine that you can track like yoga.
- Go to bed on time.
- Keep your plants watered – In summer this habit is especially important. Make sure to keep all your plant babies alive!
- Walk your dog – Take your dog for a walk at least once a day.
- Meditation – Meditate once a day or once every few days to get the most from this habit.
- Cook at home – Instead of spending money going out for dinner a lot or going out for takeaways, cook at home and save money!
- Start a new hobby and work on it – Use your time to create a hobby and turn it into a habit.
- Medication – Track any medication you are on and make sure you take them when you are supposed to.
- Symptoms – If you have anything wrong with you or you think you are experiencing symptoms, you could use a habit tracker to track them. Make sure to consult a doctor.
- Start a project – Whether it is a side hustle, a DYI project, or another type of project, your habit tracker is the place to measure the progress.
- Post on Social Media and reply to any comments.
- Pay Bills – Track your bills and expenses.
- Tidy up – This is a habit I always track. It helps me set aside time to clean and tidy my house.
- Draw – Perhaps you would like to start drawing every day.
21. Track your period

22. Empty your inbox – Do you let your inbox get out of control? Sometimes I do and find it helpful to be able to tick a box every night that shows it is clear. It motivates me to empty my inbox!
23. Write in your journal daily – I have my Bullet Journal and another Journal that I write my thoughts in. A habit I have in my tracker is a to write in my journal every morning, I find it so helpful.
24. Spending less time on social media – track your social media time so you can try and cut down where you can.
25. Practise a skill – Whether it is a new habit, a foreign language or learning how to play an instrument.
26. Spending time in nature – My minimalist bullet journal theme is nature for the year. Having nature as my theme helps me to remember to spend time outdoors but tracking it is also a great way to make sure you connect with nature.
27. Call family and friends – sometimes I forget to call my family and friends but it is really important. So I have added it to my monthly habit tracker.
28. Go to bed on time – A good nights sleep can be the best way to get ahead. If you have a specific bedtime, tracking your sleep can help!
29. Flossing your teeth.
30. Chores – Track your personal chores and the chores you assign to other people in your household.
31. Affirmations – If affirmations are a new habit you would like to start, why not track your progress.
32. Gratitudes – Track your gratitudes like you would your affirmations!
33. Complete any homework or university work – Track the progress of your work.
34. No money spent – Record the days that you don’t spend money! (and celebrate it).
35. Self care time – Make time for yourself. Baths, showers, face masks and hair masks are all good ways of looking after yourself.
36. Making your bed – Their is nothing better than getting into a made bed!
37. Tidy your junk box – We all have multiple junk boxes around our homes. Track everyday you tidy one!
38. Mobile phone free time – Spend sometime without your phone (try and eat dinner, phone free).
39. Track your fruit and vegetable in take each day!
40. Yoga class – track how many times you go each week.
41. If like me you have to post on social media regularly (for work or if you are an influencer) track every time you post to make sure you keep your followers updated.
42. Hair washing day – Does your whole life revolve around hair washing day, like mine does? Track the days you need to wash your hair.
43. Business – Track brands you have reached out to collaborate with.
sneak peak: my may habit tracker.

This is my May Habit Tracker in my travel themed bullet journal. This month I am focusing on reading, meditation, cleaning and working out. I am going to make a video which shows you how to make this at home, so watch this space!
show us your habits!
If you create a habit tracker around any of the habits listed in this blog please tag us in pictures of your spreads.
Make sure to follow Bullet Journal India on Instagram here.

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