A major benefit of the Bullet Journal is its ability to promote wellness which is something we should all focus on. Wellness comes from looking after your insides and your outsides. In this blog, we are going to look at 10 specific spreads for your Bullet Journal that are wellness-focused.
Wellness is the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal. Your Bullet Journal can help you work on your wellness through dedicated spreads.
10 wellness-themed spreads for your bullet journal
Workout Plan
Daily exercise and fitness are good for both you’re inside and outside health. Mentally it helps release feel-good endorphins and clear your head. Physically it helps you maintain healthy body weight, gain strength and most importantly have fun! You can create a workout tracker within your bullet journal that allows you to track your workouts and plan them in advance. There are many ways you can create this spread but I really like the simplicity of this one. The colour coding allows you to separate the different types of exercise you are doing including looking after your general ‘wellbeing’.
Habit tracker
![Habit Tracker The Bullet Journal India](https://thebulletjournalindia.com/content/uploads/2021/03/PSX_20210219_105816-copy-1-1024x1024.jpg)
Habit Trackers are a great way to create and maintain habits. You can change them each month and personalise them to new habits you wish to create or existing habits you already have. Try not to overload your habit tracker with too many habits, about seven habits per month is a lot. It takes about 60 day’s to create a new habit so keep this in mind and don’t be too hard on yourself. If we were to recommend only one wellness spread to create, it would be a habit tracker.
** Read our ultimate guide to creating a minimalist mood tracker and habit tracker here.
Hydration tracker
Hydration is key to leading a healthy, wellness filled life. Make sure you are drinking enough water, tea and even coffee by tracking it in a hydration tracker. You could make one monthly tracker or a weekly one like the one above. Different shades of blue are different levels of hydration on this spread but we would recommend using completely different colours so you can clearly see if it is a bottle, glass or cup.
sleep tracker
Do you get enough sleep? Adults should ideally have 7-9 hours of sleep per night. It’s also not always about the length of sleep but also the quality of it. Making sure you clock enough hours of sleep though is a great place to start. Creating a sleep tracker allows you to monitor roughly how much sleep you get per night and if it is enough. If it is not, you can look at how you can fix this to boost your wellness.
Meal planning tracker
![Meal Tracker Bullet Journal Spread The Bullet Journal India](https://thebulletjournalindia.com/content/uploads/2021/04/PSX_20210407_103626-copy-1024x1024.jpg)
If like me, you sometimes find yourself eating out a little too much or getting a few too many takeaways, a meal planner could help you get ahead. Planning your meals a month or week ahead allows you to save money and ensure you are eating balanced meals. The meal planner that I made above has every meal included but if you wanted you could just plan dinner.
Podcast tracker
![Podcast Spread The Bullet Journal India](https://thebulletjournalindia.com/content/uploads/2021/04/Podcast-April-copy-1024x1024.jpg)
Listening to podcasts can help you create healthy habits, read more about that here. I listen to podcasts when I shower in the morning, when I walk and sometimes when I am working. Podcasts help motivate me, educate me and they help me reach my flow state. Your flow state is when you are fully involved in an activity. Podcasts can help to improve your mental wellbeing and I would recommend finding one that you enjoy. If podcasts are not for you though putting on your favourite playlist and dancing around the living room is also a great wellbeing practise.
period tracker
A monthly period significantly contributes to your moods, energy levels and it impacts your overall wellbeing. Tracking your period within your bullet journal gives you some control over that time of the month. It should help you realise if it is regular and at what time of month you should expect it to arrive. This information may help you to plan your life around it for example during lower energy periods not going out to see friends and staying home instead.
Morning routine tracker
Your morning routine is the key to reaching a new level of productivity. Wellness wise, incorporating tasks that will help to improve your wellness is vital and important to set you on the correct track for the rest of the day. A morning routine spread can be as simple as the one above. It does not need to be as detailed though unless that is what you find helpful.
boost your wellness with a Gratitude log
It has been proven that people that practise gratitudes are happier! I love this spread and how it looks like the sun, it makes me happy just looking at it. Start by writing one thing per day that you are grateful for and see how you get on. It is a morning practise that might just improve your life!
Self care idea spreads
Finally, self-care spread. I love this idea and I am not sure why I did not think of it myself. If like me sometimes you struggle with doodles like the ones in the above spread, you could instead write a list of twenty self-care acts and tick them off as you go along. It could be your goal to complete all twenty acts before the end of the month. Making time for yourself and looking after yourself is so important. It will help improve your overall wellness.
Watch your wellness
Over this year and even into next year, we will be battling with the long term effects of the pandemic. Make sure you look after yourself and keep an eye on your wellness. Take regular moments to check in on yourself. You may find it useful to use your Bullet Journal along the way to do this.
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